Curated Talent Network

Curated Talent Network

Find your perfect hire

The most efficient way to build your team.


Reach a global audience with Talent500

Promote jobs with a single click across 200+ job boards, aggregators, and partner sites. Ensure your job postings get maximum exposure to qualified candidates across the globe. We do it all so you don’t have to worry about managing multiple platforms anymore.


Unlock premium talent access

Choose from a pool of only the top 2% of candidates based on their technical skills, work experience, education, and personality. We sift through all the applicants for you, so you can find the right match quickly and easily.

Talent500 Direct gives you access to:

  • 3 million passive candidates
  • 1.5 million active candidates


Curated, custom-fit & pre-qualified

Gain exclusive access to an extensive, yet curated database of pre-screened professionals who have been carefully matched to your requirements. We use a rigorous screening process across hundreds of parameters to ensure that every candidate is the right fit for your specific needs.


Flexible solution for evolving businesses

Whether it’s for a specific project or a long-term contract, with our flexible solution, you can scale up or down as needed. 500FLEX gives you the flexibility to manage your workforce according to your business needs and is perfect for those looking for contingent staffing or contract-to-hire solutions.

Talent500's Curated Talent Network

Find exactly the talent you need to help your business success

Talent500 helps the world’s fastest growing businesses build their global workforce.

We help companies hire, build and manage global teams. We are trusted by industry leaders across the globe – from Fortune 500s and larger enterprises, to some of the world’s fastest-growing startups. We are backed by Accel Partners & ANSR, a global leader and enterprise transformation platform.

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