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DevOps Automation Spectrum: Human-in-the-Loop

With AI taking over and the rapid pace of agile software development combined with the rising complexity of technology stacks has led to new challenges in balancing speed and reliability. While the promises of end-to-end test automation and infrastructure-as-code hold appeal, the reality is that fully automated systems often fail to account for nuances, edge cases, and unexpected failures- it is yet to be realistically feasible. 

This is where the concept of human-in-the-loop (HTL) automation enters the picture – combining the speed and reliability of automation with human oversight and dynamic decision making at critical junctures in the development lifecycle. But, this is easier said than done, so we decided to help you with comprehensive insights 

Understand HTL with this article by Talent500:

Origins of Human-in-the-Loop

The term human-in-the-loop automation originated in the field of aviation, where automated flight systems had a human pilot oversight to account for unexpected scenarios.


This concept has now expanded to other domains like self-driving vehicles, IoT systems, and more recently to DevOps – where the rapid pace of software delivery and complexity of systems requires a tight and symbiotic human-machine collaboration.

Definition of Human-in-the-Loop

Human-in-the-loop refers to keeping human operators and decision makers integrated into workflows, processes, and systems that are otherwise automated. 

The goal is to combine the repetitive accuracy, speed, and scalability of automation with uniquely human capabilities like contextual reasoning, adaptable problem solving, coordination, and oversight.

Challenges with Fully Automated DevOps

While theoretically appealing, fully automated DevOps suffers from some key limitations in practice:

Promise of Human-in-the-Loop  

By incorporating human oversight and control into automated pipelines, environments, and processes – we get the best of both worlds:

The end goal is to have systems that are scalable, flexible, and continuously self-improving over time.

Fundamentals of Human-in-the-Loop

Let’s deep dive into the fundamental concepts that underpin human-in-the-loop thinking:

Spectrum of Automation

Human-in-the-loop spans a wide spectrum – from fully manual to fully automated:


It keeps humans integrated at critical points along this spectrum rather than relying solely on the extremes of full human control or automation.

Unique Capabilities of Humans vs Machines

Humans bring several unique capabilities that machines cannot replicate fully:

Whereas, automation excels at:

Transitioning from Working Know-How to Codified Processes

A key aspect of human-in-the-loop automation is codifying specialized knowledge into machine executable and trainable processes:

This allows scaling of expertise while keeping human oversight on ambiguous and risky decisions.

Data-Driven Approach to Continuous Improvement

Human-in-the-loop also allows capturing granular data on human actions, decisions, and context during incidents. This facilitates continuous improvement:

By taking an analytical, data-driven approach, we can make the processes continuously self-improving.

Human-in-the-Loop for Incident Management

Incident response is a great practical use case that can benefit tremendously from incorporating human-in-the-loop principles. 

Flaws in Traditional Incident Management

Traditional incident management suffers from some key limitations:

Key Benefits of Human-in-the-Loop for Incidents

By incorporating human oversight with automation, we can transform incident response:

Integrating Human and Machine Data for Insights

Human-in-the-loop allows capturing and integrating detailed data during incidents:

This provides a much more detailed picture compared to sparse retrospective summaries.

Example Incident Walkthrough

Let’s see an example walkthrough of how human-in-the-loop could work in practice during an incident:

  1. Alert generated automatically by anomaly detection system on latency spike in API 
  2. On-call engineer notified over SMS and in incident Slack channel
  3. Runbook launched with several potential failure scenarios and remediation options
  4. Engineer reviews options and overrides runbook to request a code rollout based on recent changes
  5. Rollback automated through deployment pipeline – engineer verifies in monitoring
  6. Post-incident, details like Slack conversations, log extractions, and engineer’s actions are automatically collected  
  7. This data is parsed to identify improvements – e.g. updating runbook with potential code rollback step 

By taking an integrated approach, we can make the entire loop – detection, response, learning – more resilient.

Implementing Human-in-the-Loop Automation

Here are some best practices and tips for implementing human-in-the-loop automation:

Strategic Identification of Automation vs Human Points

Identify upfront where human oversight is most beneficial vs. full automation. Common cases:

Developing Flexible and Interactive Playbooks

Develop runbooks and playbooks that provide guardrails without being overly restrictive:

Designing for Optimal Human Experience

Design systems and interfaces with seamless human collaboration in mind:  

Automating Repetitive Tasks Fully

Identify tasks that can be fully automated to free up humans:

Capturing Human Insights as Structured Data

Develop mechanisms to capture human interactions, decisions, and context:

Adoption Roadmap and Lessons Learned

Like any process change, incorporating human-in-the-loop requires thoughtful change management. Here are some recommendations:

Gradual Rollout Plan

Training and Change Management

Key Lessons from Industry Implementations

Mistakes to Avoid

Key Takeaways and Future Outlook

Let’s recap the core concepts and benefits:

Summary of Core Concepts

Key Benefits and Applications

Final Recommendations

Future Possibilities

Some future possibilities as human-in-the-loop practices mature:

By incorporating human-in-the-loop principles, we can create truly collaborative environments where automation enhances humans while humans instill contextual reasoning and empathy into machines. The future lies in this symbiotic integration into humanized automation.

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