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Statistical Techniques Data Scientists Need to Master

In data science there is a confluence of statistics and coding. Mastery with statistical techniques can help you properly collect, analyze, and derive results from data. Using statistical models is all about unearthing the gold in the data and one of the first techniques you will encounter as a data scientist is linear regression. In an earlier blog you learned what simple and multiple linear regression are as well as how to execute linear regression in Python.

Linear regression is a widely-used statistical technique. However, it isn’t the only one. In real-life situations the statistical techniques you employ will depend on various factors such as the nature of the data, the computational capabilities, etc. So, to help you equip yourself with the right statistical tools, here is a brief introduction to 3 statistical techniques a data scientist must master.


Think of spam filters: any incoming email is treated as spam or not spam. This is an example of classification, and in particular, binary classification. When you perform classification on structured or unstructured data, the goal is to map the data to certain classes/ categories. So, if your hospital needs to decide, based on vitals, age, comorbidities, and so on, if a person must be admitted to the ICU, a classification algorithm can help predict if the patient belongs to the high-risk or low-risk class.

  1. Decision tree: If you’ve ever worked your way through a yes-no flowchart, then you’ve classified your data as per rules you set. Should you go on vacation? Yes, if the budget is under Rs.75,000; no, if otherwise. Further, yes if the trip is at least 3 nights; no, if otherwise. This is how a decision tree is formed. It is visually appealing, but overfitting and instability are issues.
  2. Logistic regression: This predictive analysis technique is a favorite for binary classification problems – is the tumor cancerous (1) or not (0) – and is based on the logarithmic function. It works very well on linearly-separable data, but this isn’t necessarily how things pan out in the real world.
  3. K-nearest neighbor: A lazy learner, KNN is a supervised ML algorithm which relies on the age-old adage, birds of a feather flock together. When the algorithm wants to find out the class of a data point, it looks to the class of ‘k’ nearest neighbor and then makes a confident prediction. Recommender systems are an application of KNN.

Here are some other classification techniques to explore: Naïve Bayes, Random forest, Stochastic Gradient Descent, Artificial Neural Networks, discriminant analysis, and support vector machine.

Dimensionality reduction

An antidote to the “curse of dimensionality” present in high-dimension feature sets, dimensionality reduction techniques aim to provide you with a low-dimensional space that contains the “essence” of the data. Suppose you have run a shopping center and have a goldmine of data on consumer spending on different variables – clothing, food, beverages, perfumes, furniture, household appliances, and so on. If you want to forecast consumer spending on a new product, say, Greek Yoghurt, data pertaining to food and beverages can help you, while the rest may be extraneous.

Some real-life applications of dimensionality reduction include:


The dictionary definition of the word “resample” is to take a sample of or from (something) again. In statistics, resampling involves repeatedly drawing samples from a population to estimate the precision of a population parameter. When the distribution of the data is not known, resampling can be used.

  1. Bootstrap: You draw a high number of smaller, equal-sized samples, with replacement, from the dataset. Bootstrapping is simple and intuitive, and applications include estimating the accuracy of statistics like confidence intervals, variance, bias, and so on, as well as hypothesis testing.
  2. K-fold cross-validation: You first split the data into k smaller folds and use the “Kth” fold for testing, while keeping the remainder for training. The processes works iteratively until each fold gets a chance to become a test set. Average the scores recorded to evaluate the model’s performance

Two other prominent resampling methods you can explore are Jackknife and Permutation.

These 3 statistical techniques are commonly employed by data scientists and the data science community is chockfull of more techniques and in-depth research papers you can dive into to get a firm foundation. However, nothing beats hands-on work, and the best way to get exposure to plenty of challenging real-world data science problems is to sign up with Talent500. Once you take our assessment, our smart algorithms will match your strengths will job openings at Fortune 500 companies. Compared to traditional modes of recruitment, the statistics favor our dynamic skill assessment method, which results in 5x faster hiring!

So, as you delve deeper into the math behind data science, make sure to #BeLimitless in your career by being in a population sample top-tier companies pick from.