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What Are Hard Skills? 10 Hard Skills to Put on Your Resume

In today’s competitive job market, having a wide range of talents that show potential employers your ability and qualifications is crucial. This article will discuss hard skills, how they differ from soft skills, how to develop them, provide examples of hard skills, and explain how to highlight them on your resume.

Hard Skills Definition

Hard skills are specialized, quantifiable abilities acquired through formal education, practical experience, and life experience. Often, people ask, “What are hard skills?” These are typically industry-specific skills that are essential for completing particular work requirements. 

Examples of hard skills include an individual’s proficiency with Adobe Creative Suite for graphic designers, their ability to administer injections as nurses, or their knowledge of programming languages as software developers.

How Are Hard Skills Different From Soft Skills?

Unlike hard technical skills, soft skills are interpersonal traits connected to how you interact with others and work. Hard skills are measurable and typically acquired through structured educational or training programs. As opposed to hard talents, soft skills are more customized and consider your unique attributes.

How To Improve Your Hard Skills

Hard Skills Examples List

In today’s competitive job environment, possessing a wide range of skills is imperative. To help you understand, below is a list of specific hard skills examples from various fields and industries.

How To Highlight Your Hard Skills?

Tips For Listing Hard Skills On Your CV

Top 10 Hard Skills for a Resume

Final Thoughts

Having a wide range of hard skills can significantly increase your employability in a competitive job market and open up a variety of job alternatives. Understanding how to demonstrate them on your resume properly can help you present yourself as a valuable asset to potential employers and stand out in the ever-changing professional landscape.


Hard skills are measurable abilities that can only be learned through formal education, practical experience, or life experiences. They are industry-specific skills for certain job requirements. Examples include proficiency with Adobe Creative Suite for graphic designers or knowledge of programming languages for software developers.

Hard skills are measurable abilities acquired through formal education or training, whereas soft skills are interpersonal characteristics related to interaction and personal attributes. Hard skills are tied to job requirements, whereas soft skills are focused on personality attributes and interpersonal interactions.