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 iOS 17 Features Every App Developer Should Know About

The release of iOS 17 marks a significant milestone in the realm of mobile app development. With its revolutionary features and enhancements, iOS 17 sets the stage for a new era of app design, functionality, and user experience. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of iOS 17, exploring its impact on app development and the implications for developers and tech enthusiasts alike.

Overview of iOS 17 Features

iOS 17 introduces a plethora of groundbreaking features that redefine user interaction and app capabilities. These advancements span across various aspects of the iOS ecosystem, from accessibility to privacy to performance optimization.

Assistive Access

Assistive Access in iOS 17 has undergone a significant revamp, incorporating enhanced voice control, eye control, and Sound Actions. These features empower users with diverse abilities to interact with their devices more effectively and independently.

Voice Control Enhancements:

Eye Control Enhancements:

Sound Actions:

App Shortcuts

App Shortcuts introduce a convenient way to access frequently used tasks within an app. These shortcuts can be customised and placed on the Home Screen or Lock Screen for quick access.

Enhanced Swift and C++ Integration

iOS 17 strengthens the integration between Swift and C++, offering significant performance and maintainability benefits for app development.

New APIs and Frameworks

iOS 17 introduces a range of new APIs and frameworks that expand the possibilities for app development.

Core ML:

Create ML:


Privacy Enhancements

iOS 17 prioritizes user privacy with a suite of new features that safeguard sensitive information.

SharePlay Enhancements

SharePlay is a feature in iOS 17 that allows users to share experiences with others in real time. This includes watching movies, listening to music, playing games, and more. SharePlay works by synchronizing the content across all devices involved in the session. This means that everyone can see and hear the same thing at the same time, even if they are using different devices.

SharePlay was first introduced in iOS 15.2, and it has been updated and expanded with each subsequent release of iOS. In iOS 17, SharePlay now includes the following features:


The release of iOS 17 marks a significant leap forward in the realm of mobile app development. With its revolutionary features, enhanced performance, and unwavering commitment to user privacy, iOS 17 sets the stage for a new era of app design and functionality. Developers can now leverage the power of machine learning, enhanced accessibility tools, and streamlined app shortcuts to create apps that are more intuitive, engaging, and accessible to a wider range of users.

The introduction of new APIs and frameworks, such as Core ML, Create ML, and Vision, opens up new possibilities for AI-powered apps, intelligent image processing, and immersive augmented reality experiences. iOS 17’s emphasis on privacy with features like privacy manifests, SDK signatures, and API required reasons ensures that user data is protected and handled responsibly.

SharePlay’s enhancements, including shared activities in AirDrop, full-screen capabilities, large file transfer, and shared actions, further enhance the collaborative experience, making it easier than ever to share real-time moments and activities with friends and family.

iOS 17 represents a transformative step in the evolution of mobile app development, empowering developers to create apps that are not only feature-rich and engaging but also deeply considerate of user privacy and accessibility needs. With its innovative features and unwavering focus on user experience, iOS 17 is poised to shape the future of mobile app development.