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Best Queuing Systems for Backend Developers: Top 10 Choices in 2022

As a backend developer, you know how important queueing systems are to application performance. When building a product, it’s essential to select the right queueing system. 

With so many queueing systems available, it can be difficult to know which one is right for your needs. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of the top 10 efficient queueing systems for backend developers. As we look at their features and benefits, we will also determine which ones are most suitable for different application requirements.

So let’s start,

The most popular queueing systems for back-end developers in 2023

  1. RabbitMQ: Easy to Use, Open Source Message Broker

RabbitMQ is an open-source message broker that enables applications and services to communicate with each other. It’s easy to install, configure and manage, making it an excellent choice for backend developers who need a reliable, scalable queueing system.

RabbitMQ stands out from other options in its ability to handle large workloads without compromising performance. This makes it especially suitable for applications such as streaming services, IoT devices, and payment processing systems that require real-time message delivery. Additionally, RabbitMQ can be used in both consumer-to-consumer and consumer-to-producer models.

RabbitMQ also offers many useful features such as:

By offering a reliable, highly available message broker, RabbitMQ is one of the most robust queueing systems available today.

2. Kafka: Fast, Scalable, Durable, and Fault-Tolerant

Kafka is one of the most popular queueing systems for backend developers. It is fast, scalable, durable, and fault-tolerant. This makes it very suitable for use in large distributed systems. It also has built-in fault tolerance and scaling features that make running large apps possible.

Major functionalities include:

Kafka can process multiple events from many different sources simultaneously and move data to different systems with different formats at the same time.

Kafka provides high throughput and low latency when processing messages and data. This makes it ideal for applications that need to handle very high volumes of data events in real time.

Kafka has a wide variety of features including support for advanced message routing, flexible message delivery semantics, streaming data pipelines, real-time analytics, and more.

All these features make Kafka the ideal choice when looking for a reliable queuing system that can handle large amounts of data quickly and efficiently.

3. ActiveMQ: Powerful Open Source Messaging

ActiveMQ is yet another open-source messaging system that provides developers with a powerful queue-based messaging platform, with features such as:

  1. Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP): This feature allows developers to develop and deploy message-oriented applications easily.
  2. Protocols: ActiveMQ supports popular protocols such as STOMP, AMQP, MQTT, OpenWire, and more, making it easier for developers to create applications using different protocols.
  3. Support for a Variety of Languages: Developers can write code in languages like C++, Java, PHP, Python, and Ruby on the ActiveMQ platform.
  4. Cross Platform Availability: ActiveMQ is available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux operating systems making it accessible to all kinds of users and developers.
  5. Efficient Distributed Messaging System: ActiveMQ provides an efficient distributed messaging system that enables developers to create large-scale applications quickly and easily.

To know more about visit ActiveMQ 

 4. SQS: Scalable, Fast, and Reliable AWS Queue

Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a tried and true favorite for backend developers. SQS is designed to be distributed and fault-tolerant, making it an ideal choice for scaling applications. It offers multiple levels of throughput and messaging options, giving developers the flexibility to create a tailored solution that meets their specific needs.

Furthermore, since SQS is part of the AWS ecosystem, developers have access to a range of services, such as CloudFormation and Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances, to help them quickly build and deploy their applications.

Overall, SQS provides backend developers with reliability, scalability, and flexibility unlike other queueing systems – so why not try it?

 5. Redis: A Blazing Fast In-Memory Data Store

Redis is an in-memory data store that has sub-millisecond latency. It offers one of the fastest database solutions for applications that require quick data access, such as payment processing. It is a popular option because it can significantly boost your application’s performance by providing a way to create and store objects quickly. It is an ideal solution for apps that handle large amounts of data or need access to the same data multiple times.

It also offers high availability, scalability, and fault tolerance, making it an excellent choice for backend developers looking to optimize their applications. Redis has built-in replication support and allows developers to use its distributed architecture to evenly distribute workloads across multiple processors.

With Redis, you also get several features that make data work easily:

     6. ZeroMQ: The Lightweight Messaging Kernel

ZeroMQ is a reliable, message-oriented messaging system designed for distributed applications. It is based on a lightweight messaging kernel, which allows it to send and receive messages quickly and efficiently. Its core philosophy is to eliminate the dependency between the application sending the message and the one receiving it. This makes it easier for developers to build powerful applications without a complex network infrastructure.

Additionally, ZeroMQ supports asynchronous I/O and multi-threaded architectures, making it more efficient than other queueing systems.

       7. Beanstalk: Simple, Fast Work Queue

Beanstalk is written in Python and runs on all major operating systems. Is a simple, fast, and reliable work queue. It can help you manage large job queues, such as payments or financial transactions.

It is designed to provide developers with an API for creating applications quickly. It’s fast and powerful, so it can handle large workloads without slowing down. The API allows developers to access the queue through multiple protocols: REST, Redis, and AMQP/RabbitMQ.

Beanstalk has built-in features that make it easy to monitor the health of your system, so you know when there are issues with the queue or the jobs being processed. This makes it an excellent choice for businesses that need to ensure their data is stored securely.

       8. Gearman: Job Queue System

Gearman is a job system that allows developers to quickly and efficiently offload and execute data-heavy tasks on other machines. By utilizing Gearman, developers can control the number of resources used for certain processes. In addition, they can ensure that operations are distributed across multiple machines.

Gearman also has some advantages:

These capabilities make Gearman the perfect choice for developers who need to handle high-volume workloads efficiently and reliably. Whether you’re looking for backend scalability or high-availability solutions, Gearman is the queueing system for you!    

        9. Bull MQ

BullMQ is an open-source job queue based on Redis. It is a lightweight and feature-rich library used by companies like Amazon, Toyota, and Twitter. Built on top of the Redis engine, it provides advanced features such as priority queues, delayed jobs, rate limits, and scheduled jobs.

BullMQ is built with scalability and performance in mind. It is built to handle vast job queues easily.

 Here are some of its key features:

To know more visit BullMQ

          10. IBM MQ

IBM MQ is a highly reliable, secure, and actively supported product used by enterprises around the world. This queueing system supports data streaming and enables real-time communication between applications. Allowing backend developers to easily integrate real-time messaging systems into their applications. It is flexible enough to work across a variety of infrastructures, including cloud-based solutions, mainframes, and mobile devices.

The IBM MQ platform also excels at maintaining data integrity during transmission through enhanced security protocols. Developers can quickly create secure message channels between different applications using its extensive set of built-in features, simplifying the configuration process.

In addition to its security capabilities, IBM MQ provides excellent scalability and performance with minimal disruption. This makes it one of the most trusted queueing systems available today.


For back-end developers, queueing systems provide various benefits, from facilitating smooth and secure financial transactions to ensuring efficient data storage and retrieval. With the right queueing system, developers can build and manage applications that meet their business needs and set them apart from their competitors.

The 10 most popular queueing systems listed in this article are among the most popular on the market. Each offers a distinct set of features and capabilities, making them ideal for developers who want to create high-quality applications for their customers. With so many options to choose from, you’re sure to find the right queueing system for your project.

I will soon have more insights on this topic, but for now, I will leave you with this.

Happy Coding…