The Talent500 Blog

All You need to Know about Vue

Vue.JS is a progressive JavaScript library used for building user interfaces and single-page applications. It is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks out there, and according to the State of JS Survey 2022, it is the third most used frontend library.

          Vue JS

Vue.JS is one of the most active open-source projects with around 202K stars on Github and 350+ developers working on the project

Vue.js is intended to be simple to use, highly customizable, and adaptable, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. It’s also a lightweight framework, with a core library focused solely on the view layer, making it simple to integrate with other projects or existing apps. 

In this detailed blog, we will go over everything you need to know about VueJS and how to get started with it.

So let’s get started!

What makes VueJS special?

Compared to other JavaScript frameworks or libraries like React or Angular, Vue.js has a number of advantages that make it a popular choice for building web applications. Here are some of the benefits of using Vue.js:





Getting started with VueJS

If you are familiar with frameworks like React or Angular, the setup of VueJS is almost identical to those. But if you are a complete beginner, don’t worry, this section will help you understand how to start using VueJS.

Environment setup

Install NodeJS

You must first install NodeJS before you can run a VueJS app locally. NodeJS is a JavaScript runtime environment that allows you to run JS code without the use of a browser.

You can download NodeJS from the official website and the installation is similar to how you install any other application. 


You can confirm NodeJS is installed on your computer by running the following command,  npm -v in the command prompt. It will print the version number if the installation was successful.


Install Vue CLI

The Vue CLI helps you quickly set up a new Vue.js project. You can install Vue CLI by opening a terminal or command prompt and running the following command.


This command installs Vue CLI globally on your computer, so you can use it from anywhere.


Creating a new Vue app

Once the installation is complete, you can now start creating a new Vue.js project by running the following command:

After creating the app, you will see something like this on your terminal, and it means you are good to go deep into the Vue.js world.

Now you can change the directory to the project folder using the cd. You can now run the development server for your new project by navigating to the project directory and running the following command.

This will start a local development server at http://localhost:8080, where you can see your new Vue.js project in action.

You can now start tweaking the HelloWorld.vue file and see the real-time change on the website. Congratulations! You have set up your first VueJS project.

Understanding the Vue folder structure

In a Vue.js project, there are several types of files and folders that you’ll encounter. If you are familiar with libraries like React, you can easily understand the flow. But if you are just starting out with Vue.js, this section covers that for you.

 Here’s a brief overview of some of the most important ones:

  1. Components: components are the building block of Vue.js. The components folder consists of all the component logic that you need for your app. For example, it includes UI logic for the header, banner, footer, sidebar etc.
  2. Assets: This folder contains all the images, fonts, and other assets that are used in your application. You might also store stylesheets and other global resources here.
  3.  Views: This folder contains the top-level views for your application. Each view typically has a corresponding component, and it’s responsible for rendering the main content of the page.

The structure of a Vue.js project is similar to that of many other modern web development frameworks. Once you get familiar with the different types of files and their purposes, you’ll be able to start building complex applications with Vue.js.

Features of VueJS

VueJS is popular among developers for a variety of reasons, one of which is the features it provides. The success of any tool is determined by how well it can assist developers in increasing their productivity. Some of the features of VueJS are:

Virtual DOM

                                            Vue JS Virtual DOM Mechanism


Vue.js uses a virtual DOM, which is essentially a clone of the real DOM represented as JavaScript data structures. When changes are made to the DOM, these changes are first affected by the virtual DOM, which is much faster than updating the real DOM directly. 


Once all changes are made to the virtual DOM, it is compared to the original version to identify the specific changes that need to be made to the real DOM. This makes updating the DOM much more efficient, resulting in faster and smoother performance.


Two-Way Data Binding


Two-way binding is a feature that lets you easily connect your user interface (UI) with the data behind it. This means that changes made in the UI are automatically reflected in the data, and vice versa. This is possible because of the MVVM (Model-view-viewmodel) architecture, which helps speed up updating HTML blocks. It’s different from other libraries like React.js, which only support one-way communication, i.e., one-way data binding. 


To create two-way bindings in Vue.js, you can use the v-model directive. This simple and powerful feature makes it easy to keep your UI and data in sync. Here’s an example of a simple form that uses the v-model to bind its input fields to data properties:

Template System


Templates are declarative methods for defining the structure and content of a user interface in Vue.js. These templates are HTML-like structures where data and expressions can be bound to elements in the DOM.


Here are some key features of the Vue.js template system:









Vue.js has a built-in router that helps you create a website with multiple pages that feels like a single page. When you click a link, the page updates quickly and smoothly, without fully reloading.


With the Vue.js router, you can create different pages and map them to different URLs. So when a user goes to a certain URL, the router matches it with the right page and shows it. You can even make the URLs more interesting by adding variables that change the page content depending on what the user clicks.


Components in Vue.js


Vue.js is nothing without components, and they are an integral part of Vue.js. The purpose of components is to build reusable UI elements in Vue.js applications. You can reuse Vue.js components throughout your application because they are self-contained.


Here are some key characteristics of Vue components:







VueJS Best practices


Although you are free to use Vue.js however you like, adhering to some industry best practices can help you maintain an organized code base throughout the entire project.


Some of the best practices that you can follow are mentioned below













Thanks for reaching out so far, you are a fantastic reader!


In this detailed article, we have looked into one of the most popular web frameworks, VueJS. We have looked into the various benefits of using VueJS. We have also covered some of the best practices that you can implement while developing an application in Vue.


This blog is a good place to start if you are starting out your journey as a Vue developer.


Happy Learning



